Hawaii Rush

Phoenix Rush


Rush Mastery Program

Rush Mastery Program

Our  “Mastery Skills” program is for all U7 to U12 players. The program is designed to encourage players to work on their own, outside of practice and follows each age groups’ curriculum. 

This new exciting program is broken down into three levels and is based on a 6 week cycle for players’ to master specific Rush moves, turns and also reach a target amount of juggles. 

After each player has Mastered a level, they will be rewarded by receiving a colored Rush Mastery Wristband and able to progress to the next level. The goal of the Mastery Skills program is for every player to have a sound technical foundation and to encourage players’ to continue practicing on their own. "The Mastery program is a great new program for Phoenix Rush and the players' have really bought into it and want to practice on their own to progress to the next level. We have seen tremendous technical improvements each week as players' have been practicing and implementing their moves in games and practices. We believe this will help the overall development of each player while improving the play of each team as well,” says Chris Sagar, DOC Youth.


Mastery Video U13-U14


U11-U12 Rush Mastery Moves


U11-U12 Rush Mastery Program


U13-U14 Rush Mastery Moves


Academy Mastery Program

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