Hawaii Rush

Phoenix Rush


Parent Education


This webpage has been added as a resource for the Parents of Phoenix Rush participants and soccer athletes. The goal is to inform, educate, and provide resources to establish a plan to insure that we all provide the best environment for your child to participate in this fantastic sport.

CLICK HERE - "What Parents can expect from their first soccer experience"
CLICK HERE - "Six reasons parents should not watch practice"
CLICK HERE - "Are kids specializing in sports too early?"
CLICK HERE - "Probability of competing in sports beyond high school"
CLICK HERE - "Why Parents Behave the Way They Do"
CLICK HERE - "College Choice: Taking the right steps makes the process more enjoyable" 
CLICK HERE - "Parental Pressure Takes a Toll on Young Athletes"
CLICK HERE- "How Did We Go Wrong As Sports Parents?"
CLICK HERE - "Changing the Game Project - John O'Sullivan"
CLICK HERE - "Five Mistakes Soccer Parents Make with their Players"


Changing the game project


U.S. Soccer's concussions in soccer overview

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